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written by the Youth Council on Mental Health – Community Action Team

Chanelle Jones Ahmed, Aditi Patel, Asmaa Akata, Lluvia Alvaradoa, Harper Milheiser, Edward Chen, Hafeezat Ghaffar, Leela Yohannes, Jericho Bondi with support from Stephanie De Jesus Ayala & Vivian Thompson

Suicide rate increased 60% since 2011 among US youth and young adults 1.6 million attempted suicide.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time for us, as the Youth Council on Mental Health, to start conversations about mental health. It’s about honoring those we’ve lost, supporting friends who’ve struggled, and recognizing the impact suicide has on all of us. By speaking up and listening, we can break the silence and show others they’re not alone. Together, we can create a safe space for healing and support.

Warning signs are the behaviors that may indicate someone is thinking about suicide.

Some warning signs are:

  • Talking about wanting to die
  • Feeling empty/hopeless/without a will to live
  • Feeling like a great burden to others
  • Withdrawing from relationships
  • Risk taking behavior
  • Changes in eating/sleeping
  • Substance use
  • Giving away treasured items
  • Loss of interest in previously interested topics/hobbies

Remember that warning signs may present differently for each individual. To learn more about warning signs and what to do check out these links:

Now that you know some warning signs, what should you do when you notice them in a loved one?

We have compiled some tips for you:

  • If you notice signs, don’t ignore them! (We know this can be hard, learn some practical tips here)
  • Be open and empathetic
  • Create a space for honesty
  • Validate their emotional experience
  • Listen and pay attention to nonverbal cues as well
  • Don’t dismiss the situation as “teen drama” or a “phase”
  • Get them connected to ongoing behavioral health supports

Remember safety is always our number one concern. If someone shares they are struggling with thoughts of suicide, get help as soon as possible, particularly if the behavior is new or has increased recently.

Crisis Resources:

If you would like to learn more and practice what you would do in a hypothetical scenario, learn more here.

Additional Resources:

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