3/13/24 Connecting with Youth


This training will focus on providing participants with an understanding of youth mental health and how to create supportive relationships between trusted adults and youth in schools. Research shows that youth that can identify one positive and stable relationship with an adult experience better outcomes than their counterparts. These relationships can develop in many settings including schools. The goal of this training is to equip trusted adults with the skills needed to connect with youth and develop strong, positive relationships.

Date and time:

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 12pm – 1pm MST

Location: Via Zoom


Categories: ,

In order to best engage in the training please review the suggestions below:

  • Prior to the event, please ensure you have reliable internet connectivity and computer audio/video.
  • We encourage you to secure a quiet space to engage in this training.
  • All participants must register in order to take the training.
  • Please watch for an email from info@pcmh.org with additional training details.